Episode 16. Free Will & the Self
Episode 16. Free Will & the Self
Show Notes
"For God has willed that man remain 'under the control of his own decisions,' so that he can seek his Creator spontaneously, and come freely to utter and blissful perfection through loyalty to Him. Hence man's dignity demands that he act according to a knowing and free choice that is personally motivated and prompted from within, not under blind internal impulse nor by mere external pressure."
~ Gaudium et Spes §17
God, in His incredible goodness, has created each of us in His image and likeness. Because of that, every one of us enjoys the unspeakable gift of free will. We each have the power to choose, a sense of personal agency and volition. But in this fallen world, our awareness of our own free will comes with so many questions:
Can we really be trusted with free will?
Why does God allow us to choose evil?
Do we still have free will when we feel like we don't have any choice, or when we feel constrained by expectations (others' and our own)?
The depth and power of our own free will lies in the kind of relationship that God desires with you, His precious child - a relationship that is free, total, joyful, intimate, and authentic. The Lord loves you perfectly and He calls you to respond to that love by choosing to love Him in return. It's in this free response of lovethat we find psychological health and spiritual wholeness.
Fr. Nathan LaLiberte returns to reflect on God's unfathomable gift of free will and how we, His children, can live in true freedom!
Show Notes
Then he said, “A man had two sons, and the younger son said to his father, ‘Father, give me the share of your estate that should come to me.’ So the father divided the property between them. After a few days, the younger son collected all his belongings and set off to a distant country where he squandered his inheritance on a life of dissipation. When he had freely spent everything, a severe famine struck that country, and he found himself in dire need.”
Luke 15:11-14
“How monotonously alike all the great tyrants and conquerors have been; how gloriously different are the saints.”
Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis
God in the beginning created human beings
and made them subject to their own free choice.
If you choose, you can keep the commandments;
loyalty is doing the will of God.
Set before you are fire and water;
to whatever you choose, stretch out your hand.
Before everyone are life and death,
whichever they choose will be given them.Sirach 15:14-17
“Only in freedom can man direct himself toward goodness. Our contemporaries make much of this freedom and pursue it eagerly; and rightly to be sure. Often however they foster it perversely as a license for doing whatever pleases them, even if it is evil. For its part, authentic freedom is an exceptional sign of the divine image within man. For God has willed that man remain "under the control of his own decisions," so that he can seek his Creator spontaneously, and come freely to utter and blissful perfection through loyalty to Him. Hence man's dignity demands that he act according to a knowing and free choice that is personally motivated and prompted from within, not under blind internal impulse nor by mere external pressure.”
Gaudium et Spes §17
We know that all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28
Fr. Nathan’s homily on The Prodigal Son & Free Will from Lent 2022
(Homily begins at 18:26)
Challenge By Choice
Acknowledge a moment of being freely, authentically present
Think over the past week, and think of a time you were really living in the moment; showing up authentically as yourself
Take time to journal about: What was that like? Invite God in and allow Him to help you unpack it.
How did it feel to be freely present? (in your body, your emotions, & your state of mind)
Close with a prayer of thanksgiving for the gift of free will & for the grace to live ever more freely in truth.