Episode 19. Sanity in the Sacred Triduum & Easter
Episode 19. Sanity in the Sacred Triduum & Easter
Show Notes
This saying is trustworthy:
If we have died with him we shall also live with him;
if we persevere we shall also reign with him.
~ 2 Timothy 2:11-12
Happy Resurrection from our family to yours! He is risen! Alleluia!
The Sacred Triduum and the Easter season are some of the most significant days of the liturgical year and of our lives. There is so much beauty, solemnity, sorrow, and triumphant joy in the symbols, rituals, and traditions of this holy time. And while the passion, death, and Resurrection of our Lord obviously point toward our ultimate destiny in His heavenly kingdom, they also carry great power to help us grow in sanity and be more rooted to reality.
We're excited to celebrate the joy of the Resurrection with you (no matter what time of year it is!) and to share some reflections on the meaning of the cross and the empty tomb in our minds and hearts. May you be led ever deeper into the hope and joy that Jesus offers in his victorious Resurrection!
Show Notes
Alleluia! He is risen!
The cross as a reminder of the deep reality of the human person
It is true that I am a sinner, and my sins are one of the most important reasons that Jesus died on the cross that we venerate on Good Friday
It is equally true that I am a beloved child of God, and Jesus’s perfect, unchanging, eternal love for me is one of the other essential reasons that Jesus died on the cross for me
When I can acknowledge and intimately believe these two truths, I can see myself clearly and I can relate to the world in reality; my mind, my soul, and my body can be healthy
The power of the Resurrection is triumphant not only over death itself, but also over any of the other “tombs” in our lives: addiction, despair, self-concern, pleasure-seeking, etc.
Chris Pratt’s faith-filled, powerful, and hilarious acceptance speech for the 2018 MTV Generation Award
Challenge By Choice
Ask Christ to open a “tomb” in your life
In prayer, identify one particular “tomb” in your life: a place of darkness, feeling trapped, death
This could be related to an addiction, a sinful habit, an internal struggle with pride, a broken relationship - any part of your life that feels separate from the light & life that Christ offers
In your prayer, invite Jesus to enter that dark place, to roll away the stone, & to bring you out into the light, openness, freedom
This isn’t about a “quick fix” or merely taking away a difficult situation, but rather it’s about becoming ever more rooted in reality and allowing the power of the Resurrection to touch every part of your life