Episode 2. Meet Me at the Fencepost: Boundaries

Episode 2. Meet Me at the Fencepost: Boundaries

Show Notes

Mental health isn’t limited to what goes on inside our minds; our mental health is deeply affected by our human relationships. And one often overlooked facet of deep, authentic relationships is healthy boundaries.

Boundaries are a balancing act that offer freedom: both holding firmly to my own identity AND being open to connection with others. All of us desire this kind of self-knowledge and self-gift, but human relationships are messy! Whether it’s in a marriage, with a child, or in a friendship, we struggle to hold clear and loving boundaries. It’s so easy to only feel what others feel, or to guard against true connection when things get difficult, or to ignore our own needs because others don’t seem to notice them. 

Let’s talk about boundaries, differentiation, and cultivating a beautiful garden while meeting your neighbors at the fencepost. 

Show Notes

  • Let your foot be seldom in your neighbors’ house, lest they have their fill of you - and hate you.
    - Proverbs 25:17

  • Differentiation: holding onto myself while being open to connection with you

    • “Where do I end and you begin?”

  • True intimacy doesn’t come out of sameness, it comes out of connection.

  • The person of Jesus Christ as the model of differentiation

    • Jesus’ humanity and his divinity were united without obsession and distinct without divorce

Challenge By Choice

Consider a situation from the last day or so…one that - upon reflection - you can now recognize you weren’t responding from a differentiated stance.  You can now see the fence wasn’t clearly and securely in place.

  • Reflect & Journal: The next time you’re faced with a situation like this, how can you better hold onto yourself and still be connected to others?

Charming yellow house with blue door, white porch, surrounded by lush garden and red roses, enclosed by a white picket fence.