Show Notes

Episode 33. I'm Not In Control: Superstition

Episode 33. I'm Not In Control: Superstition

Podcast episode artwork featuring two men, title 'I'm Not in Control: Superstition' with Fr. Nathan Laliberte, Episode 33, This Whole Life logo, audio waveform and play button.

"To attribute the efficacy of prayers or of sacramental signs to their mere external performance, apart from the interior dispositions that they demand, is to fall into superstition."
~ Catechism of the Catholic Church §2111

Let's face it: it's really scary to realize that we're not in control, and that's understandable. But grasping for control through superstition is, at best, fruitless and can even be mentally and spiritually harmful. From rabbit's feet and lucky coins to empty "religious" routines, superstitions are all around us.

In Episode 33, Pat Millea delves into the intriguing topic of superstition and its impact on our lives and faith. Joined by guest Fr. Nathan LaLiberte, they explore the dangers of relying on superstitious practices and the importance of giving God alone control in our lives. They examine the consequences of seeking control through superstitious beliefs and highlight the need to break free from these shackles, which can even constrain our otherwise good religious practices. From discussing the physical aspects of Catholicism to the connection between superstition and OCD, Pat and Fr. Nathan provide insight and a way forward in trust of God. Join us for this relatable and relevant conversation that we all need!

Show Notes

  • “To attribute the efficacy of prayers or of sacramental signs to their mere external performance, apart from the interior dispositions that they demand, is to fall into superstition.”

  • Superstition is assigning power to an object or action that does not possess any power.

  • At the heart of the temptation to superstition is the desire for control and the fear of not being in control.

    • And when this happens in religious practice, it becomes a way of attempting to control God Himself.

    • “If I just pray this novena or wear this religious item, then God will [fill in the blank desire].

  • And when superstition is taken to the extreme, it can become mental illness (obsessive compulsive disorder or high anxiety) or serious spiritual illness (the occult & demonic influence).

  • The call is to submit to the Lord, to recognize His control, and to trust in Him completely.

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Fr. Dwight Longenecker’s website

Fr. Nathan’s “high” for this episode, Abuses in the Religious Life and the Path to Healing

Challenge By Choice

In prayer, reflect on your desires for control and your superstitions

  • Where are my superstitions?

  • What are the items or actions that I’m giving power in my life?

  • What am I trying to control?