Episode 5. Receiving Your Values
Episode 5. Receiving Your Values
Show Notes
"For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be." ~ Matthew 6:21
We give our time, our money, and our energy to the things that we value. Everything about our lives is a result of our values - our actions, relationships, priorities, even our sins. Our values don't just determine what we do, they communicate who we are and Whose we are. But all too often we float through life without intentionally choosing our values: they get handed to us (sometimes without us even knowing it) by our families of origin, the culture around us, and the Church. As adults it is our privilege and our responsibility to examine these values and authentically own them so we can authentically live them.
In this episode, we look at the process of praying over our values: having a conversation with the Lord about what He desires for our lives. When we have the courage and the trust to receive our values from Him, we're able to more fully and freely live out the unique and beautiful call that He has for our personal and unrepeatable life.
Show Notes
“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides.”
Matthew 6:33
Our values are the things that we hold as important, what our life is about. We give our time, money, energy to the things we value. We are willing to sacrifice for the things we value.
I don’t need to tell you what my values are, because I will show you my values by my actions.
Much psychological and emotional distress comes from living in a way that is incongruent with our values.
Taking part in the crucial process of dumping out your Backpack of Values
Some of these value were things that we chose. Some of them were given to us along the way without our knowing it.
Metaphorically dumping them out and looking at them in truth: what values am I really carrying around?
Taking the conversation to the Lord in prayer: “What values do you want me to have?”
Catholic Lofi, a whole new vibe for faith, thanks to Matt Fradd:
Challenge By Choice
Dumping out your Backpack of Values
Invitation to journal & pray over questions like:
What are my values?
What are the things I notice myself giving time, money, & energy to pursue and participate in?
What choices am I currently making that help me live out my values? What choices am I currently making that hinder me from living out my values?