Show Notes

Episode 52. Surviving Family Trips

Episode 52. Surviving Family Trips

Podcast cover for "Surviving Family Trips" episode 52, featuring a smiling couple wearing star-shaped sunglasses and a novelty crown. Background includes audio wave graphics and podcast branding "This Whole Life."

"In your journey as a family, you share so many beautiful moments: meals, rest, housework, leisure, prayer, trips and pilgrimages, and times of mutual support…"
~ Pope Francis, Letter to Families, February 2014

Do you feel like you need a vacation to recover from your vacation?
Have you spent time and money on trips that leave you feeling disappointed & frustrated?
Do you have nightmares of children shouting "Are we there yet?" and arguments with relatives?

Family trips and vacations are sources of such deep joy and fulfillment, but they can also bring so much stress, anxiety, and conflict. What strategies & approaches would help you get the most out of trips with family and friends? On the heels of a cross country road trip with their 7 children to spend a week with extended family, Pat & Kenna share some practical ways to make family trips more fruitful and peaceful. From communication about expectations and hopes to embracing healthy boundaries and car entertainment, we welcome you into this relevant and practical conversation. Listen in and share your own traveling tips & tricks with us!

Show Notes

  • Communication!

    • Before the trip: What are your hopes, dreams, concerns, & fears about this upcoming trip? What do I need in order to make this a fulfilling and renewing experience?

    • During the trip: Share your daily highs & hards with your spouse, relative, or friend

    • After the trip: What were you highs & hards from this trip? What would make future trips even better?

  • Healthy boundaries mean holding onto myself while being connected to the people that I love

    • What would healthy boundaries look like on this trip or vacation?

  • Vacation or Trip? A Helpful Guide for Parents 😂

  • Practical tips for successful family trips:

    • Communicate & plan a division of labor with packing & loading

    • Use a shared Notes app with checklists for shopping, packing, etc.

    • Save screens for when you really need them

    • Plan out Costco (or Sam’s Club) stops along your driving route

  • Which is the better…

    • Kids movie: Frozen or Inside Out?

    • Julia Roberts movie: My Best Friend’s Wedding or Pretty Woman?

    • Sports movie: Rudy or Miracle?

    • Tom Hanks movie: Catch Me If You Can or A League of Their Own?

    • Pixar movie: Toy Story or Finding Nemo?

    • Jim Carrey movie: Yes Man or The Truman Show?

    • Christian Bale movie: Ford v. Ferrari or Newsies?

Challenge By Choice

Communicate your hopes & fears about an upcoming trip.

  • Consider an upcoming trip with family or friends

  • What hopes & dreams do you have for this trip?

  • What concerns or fears do you have when you think about this trip?

  • How can you communicate those hopes & fears to someone? (A spouse, a relative, or a friend)

    • If you’re not able to communicate them to someone else, you’re encouraged to journal about them & pray about them

Reflection Questions

For personal reflection or group discussion

  1. What is one specific thing that stuck with you from this conversation?

  2. What memories do you have of trips you took growing up? What parts of those memories are joyful or painful?

  3. What do you appreciate about trips as an adult? What makes trips with family or friends stressful or difficult to manage?

  4. Why do you take trips? What values of yours are attached to trips with loved ones?

  5. How can communication about expectations and boundaries help create a more joyful trip?

  6. What tips & strategies have made your family trips more joyful?