Show Notes

Episode 54. Thriving Through Transition

Episode 54. Thriving Through Transition

Podcast cover featuring a smiling couple with text "Thriving Through Transition," Episode 54, and a play button with sound waves. The podcast is titled "This Whole Life: Seeking Sanity and Sanctity."

"There is an appointed time for everything,
and a time for every affair under the heavens."
~ Ecclesiastes 3:1

Change is hard. Yet, it's something that every person experiences on a daily basis. How can something so universal be so difficult for us?

In this episode of This Whole Life, Pat and Kenna dive into the challenges surrounding life changes and transitions. So many clients bring their questions and struggles to them when they're facing changes, and the hosts take time to reflect on the ways they have handled changes well and poorly in their lives. They stress the value of seeking support and connection during times of change, emphasizing the need to communicate openly with loved ones. Through thought-provoking conversation and practical advice, this episode provides valuable guidance on handling life's transitions with grace and resilience.

Show Notes

  • Two kinds of changes in our lives:

    • Change we can anticipate: welcoming a new child, moving to a new home or city, promotion at work, retirement, empty nesting, etc.

    • Sudden changes: death, diagnosis, job loss, etc.

    • Either way: we can expect to be surprised!

  • This is life!  Life is dynamic, ever-changing. People who desire to be “fully alive” should expect to encounter change.

  • “Humans are amphibians – half spirit and half animal… As spirits they belong to the eternal world, but as animals they inhabit time. This means that while their spirit can be directed to an eternal object, their bodies, passions, and imaginations are in continual change, for to be in time means to change.”

    • The Screwtape Letters, C.S. Lewis

  • A good definition of mental health:

    • Using the mind and body 

    • to accurately perceive reality,

    • to respond to stressors and changes, 

    • in order to be in loving relationship with God, self and others. 

  • Things that contribute to a healthy approach to change:

    • Self-care: attending to basic human needs

      • Sleep, body movement, food, water, decreasing stimulus

    • Slow down: in order to make room for more, you’ve got to be demanding less

      • Leave more space for quiet, reflection, journaling, prayer

    • Connection: to those who love you, and to those who have maybe been through this season ahead of you

    • Validate: acknowledge the difficulty. Even in THE most exciting things, there is difficulty.

    • Routines that help you stay connected to your values: gotta know your values.

Challenge By Choice

Reflect on your approach to change & transition

  1. How have I typically responded to change and transition in the past?

    • Do I get overwhelmed? Do I isolate & pull away from others? Do I go to a place of naïveté?

    • Do I resist change out of fear or discomfort?

  2. What is, or isn’t, working about my approach to change?

    • How would you like to approach changes differently?

Reflection Questions

For personal reflection or group discussion

  1. What is one specific thing that stuck with you from this conversation?

  2. What changes have you handled poorly in your life? What changes have you handled well?

  3. How easily do you tolerate change?

  4. What helps you to manage change in a healthy way?

  5. What tips from this episode might help you manage transitions better in the future?