Show Notes

Episode 55. Addiction & Recovery w/ Scott Weeman

Episode 55. Addiction & Recovery w/ Scott Weeman

"So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed."
~ John 8:36

Is there hope for people who are stuck in addiction?
Is healing really possible for everyone?
If God really knows what I've done, how could he forgive me?

In episode 55 of "This Whole Life," Pat engages in a profound conversation with guest Scott Weeman, founder of Catholic In Recovery. Scott shares his personal journey through addiction and finding a path to recovery through faith and humility. He reveals the connection he identified between the 12 Step recovery process and the sacraments, shedding light on the universal spiritual truths embedded within them.

The dialogue delves into the significance of building a supportive community, reclaiming a sense of purpose, and finding hope amidst difficulty. Scott's insightful reflections and practical advice offer a beacon of encouragement to those navigating the complexities of addiction and seeking hope when things seem darkest. Join Pat and Scott on this transformative journey towards humility, recovery, and wholeness.

Scott Weeman is the founder of Catholic In Recovery and the author of The Twelve Steps and the Sacraments: A Catholic Journey through Recovery. Scott was born and raised in northeast Wisconsin, and after high school he attended college in New York City and his experience around drugs and alcohol started to spin out of control. After a series of unconventional events, he found himself seeking the mercy of the Lord through the Catholic community in San Diego. Scott supports others in their recovery by writing on a variety of Catholic and twelve-step topics, speaking at events, and developing one-on-one relationships with those seeking help. He enjoys a wide range of recreational activities including sports, cooking, hiking, reading, traveling, and relaxing over a pot of hot tea. Scott lives with his wife and children in Nashville, Tennessee.

Show Notes

  • Visit Catholic In Recovery to learn about their mission of freedom & support in recovery

  • More information about the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous

  • “You’re only as sick as your secrets.”

  • “What I do, I do not understand. For I do not do what I want, but I do what I hate.”

    • Romans 7:15

  • “The main thing we learn from a serious attempt to practise the Christian virtues is that we fail. If there was any idea that God had set us a sort of exam, and that we might get good marks by deserving them, that has to be wiped out. If there was any idea of a sort of bargain - any idea that we could perform our side of the contract and thus put God in our debts so that it was up to Him, in mere justice, to perform His side - that has to be wiped out.

    • Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis

  • The Serenity Prayer:

    • “God, grant me to accept the things I cannot change…” (other people, the world around me)

    • “…to change the things I can…” (my own actions & choices)

    • “…and the wisdom to know the difference.”

  • The 3 C’s of Family Addiction Recovery:

    • I Caused it

    • I Control it

    • It’s my responsibility to Cure it

Challenge By Choice

Reflect on any unhealthy attachments in your life

  • Are there substances or behaviors that are limiting your freedom and keeping you from thriving?

    • To what do you turn in order to escape from reality, numb out, to cope with the highs & lows of life?

    • Is it alcohol, social media, sugar, drugs, shopping, video games, etc.?

  • Try to refrain from that substance or behavior for 3 weeks

    • What do you notice about your life and relationships in the absence of this thing?

    • What are the particular challenges of avoiding this substance or behavior?

Reflection Questions

For personal reflection or group discussion

  1. What is one specific thing that stuck with you from this conversation?

  2. What experiences do you have in common with Scott's journey of addiction and recovery?

  3. In what ways do you, and those closest to you, struggle with freedom from addiction and compulsions?

  4. What practical steps did you draw from Scott's insight for living a healthier lifestyle and seeking a spiritual solution to overcome reliance on substances or harmful behaviors?

  5. What is one substance or behavior that you feel challenged to give up for 3 weeks in order to gain greater freedom?