Show Notes

Episode 62. Training Kids (and Ourselves) for Technology

Episode 62. Training Kids (and Ourselves) for Technology

Podcast cover for 'This Whole Life' episode 62 titled 'Training Kids (and Ourselves) for Technology' featuring a smiling couple embracing.

"The Christian community is called to help them [parents] in teaching children how to live in a media environment in way consonant with the dignity of the human person and service of the common good.”
~ Pope Francis

Does technology really harm children & teens?
How do I raise my children in a world steeped in tech & social media?
Is it even worth the fight to resist the culture when it comes to technology?

This is an important one, friends! In Episode 62, Pat and Kenna delve into the complexities of technology's impact on children, families, and parents. They discuss the critical role of guiding children towards responsible tech use, while resisting the cultural push for children using devices & social media at a young age. Exploring the emotional strain parents face when limiting tech access, they emphasize the empowerment found in community support. The episode also highlights the importance of fostering real-world engagement & joy. The couple shares personal insights on managing children's screen time, advocating for setting boundaries to promote healthier interactions.

If you've ever faced difficult conversations or decisions about technology with your children, this episode is for you!

Show Notes

  • Key Statistics

  • Gen Z (between the ages of 18-27 in 2024) spend an average of 4.8 hours per day using social media.

  • 23% of Gen Zers spend more than 7 hours a day using social media.

  • 40% of Gen Z wishes social media had never been invented.

  • At least 30% of every segment of Gen Z reports that social media has had a negative effect on their emotional health.

  • 46% of adolescents say that social media made them feel worse about their bodies.

  • Technology is a tool, not a toy

    • But smartphones are designed to feel like toys

  • How can I train my children to engage with technology in a healthy, happy, & holy way?

  • It’s crucial to model the kind of relationship with technology that we want for our children.

  • Talk to your child about the kind of full, free, fun life that you desire for them.

  • Don’t just take away a device; replace it with things that are joyful, renewing, and valuable.

An intro to Cost ‘n Mayor, the dancing couple Kenna mentioned in the episode

Challenge By Choice

Taking a first step toward technology training

  • Do your children need more or less healthy access to technology?

  • What is a good first step to move your children toward self-control & safe use of technology?

Reflection Questions

For personal reflection or group discussion

  1. What is one specific thing that stuck with you from this conversation?

  2. What difficulties have you faced around technology & social media in your own life? In your children's lives?

  3. What does healthy tech use look like to you? What are your values around technology?

  4. What are technology & social media good for? What are the dangers of technology? How can you help your children enjoy the good and avoid the dangers?

  5. When you listen to the Holy Spirit, how are you being called to lead your family with regards to technology?