Show Notes

Episode 67. Gender Identity & Gender Dysphoria w/ Dr. Julia Sadusky

Episode 67. Gender Identity & Gender Dysphoria w/ Dr. Julia Sadusky

Podcast episode cover for "This Whole Life" featuring Episode 67, titled "Gender Identity & Gender Dysphoria" with Dr. Julia Sadusky. The cover shows a woman smiling in a photo, a waveform, and a play button icon, all against a brown background.

"Love without truth devolves into sentimentality.
Truth without love becomes cold and calculated."
~ Bishop Robert Barron

Where did we get to this place with regard to gender?
How do I treat people who are gender nonconforming as a Christian?
What is the relationship between truth and love in real relationships?

In Episode 67, hosts Kenna and Pat engage in a profound & faithful conversation with Dr. Julia Sadusky about gender identity and gender dysphoria. Dr. Sadusky, a licensed clinical psychologist, brings her expertise in psychology, gender, and faith, offering compassionate insights into how parents and individuals can navigate the complex terrain of gender identity with love and truth. This episode delves into the complexities of gender dysphoria, highlighting the real emotional challenges faced by those experiencing it, and provides practical guidance for parents aiming to support their children's gender exploration in a healthy and faith-filled way. Dr. Sadusky also shares her personal journey into this work, illustrating the power of compassion and the importance of presence in moments of suffering. Listeners are invited to examine their own positions and postures, fostering meaningful and empathetic relationships with those navigating gender questions.

Dr. Julia Sadusky is a licensed clinical psychologist and the owner of a private practice in Littleton, CO. She is also an author, consultant, speaker, and adjunct professor. Dr. Sadusky has done extensive research and clinical work in sexual and gender development and specializes in trauma-informed care. She earned a bachelor's degree from Ave Maria University and a master's degree and doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Regent University. She has authored several books around human sexuality, with her most recent two-book series entitled, "Start Talking to Your Kids about Sex: A Practical Guide for Catholics" (Ave Maria Press, 2023) and "Talking with Your Teen about Sex: A Practical Guide for Catholics” (Ave Maria Press, 2024). 

Show Notes

  • Follow Dr. Julia Sadusky’s work on her website, on Instagram, and on Youtube

  • As Catholics, we have a clear understanding of biological sex as created by God: “male & female He created them” (Genesis 1:27)

  • “When we think of gender, we think of more of the psychological, social, and cultural aspects of being a man or woman in the world.”

  • “Gender identity is a phrase that's emerged, more recently that really maps personal experience of self and says, you know, what is my felt sense of maleness, femaleness, masculinity, femininity, or some alternative understanding that I might reflect about my sense of self?”

  • “There's a psychological diagnosis currently that that gives us language to talk about a pretty severe experience of incongruence, a kind of gap if you will, between gender and biological sex. And so the word for that is is gender dysphoria.”

  • For parents with children expressing gender nonconformity, what kind of support and resources are the parents seeking out for themselves?

  • The crucial distinction between position and posture: “In our culture today many of us are taught that if you have certain positions then you inevitably have a rigid posture.”

Challenge By Choice

Prepare for authenticity & empathy in the face of gender conversations

  • Imagine that a child, a loved one, or a coworker tells you that they are experiencing gender nonconformity or gender dysphoria

  • Invite the Holy Spirit into that moment

  • How is the Holy Spirit guiding you to be Christ to this person?

  • How can I show up as my authentic self and meet this person with compassion?

Reflection Questions

For personal reflection or group discussion

  1. What is one specific thing that stuck with you from this conversation?

  2. When have you encountered challenges around gender?

  3. How do you balance truth and love in the face of conversations around gender?

  4. How comfortable are you with conversations around gender? What comes up in you in discussions like this?

  5. How can you be a greater witness of truth and empathy?