Show Notes

Episode 68. A Future With Hope w/ Bishop James Conley

Episode 68. A Future With Hope w/ Bishop James Conley

"What we can be always sure of - no matter what is happening in our lives - is that we are not alone. You are not alone! God knows your suffering intimately and wants to walk with you through it."
~ Bishop James Conley

How should a Christian respond to a mental health crisis?
Do priests & bishops know what it's like to struggle with their mental health?
Is it worth it to be open & honest about my struggles?

In this beautifully personal episode, Kenna and Pat are joined by Bishop James Conley, who candidly shares his personal journey through mental health struggles and his path to recovery and wholeness. Bishop Conley opens up about the challenges he faced, including situational PTSD, anxiety, and major depressive disorder, and the transformative power of faith, vulnerability, and honesty. Drawing from his experience, he offers insights into the intersection of faith and mental health, emphasizing the importance of an approach to wellness that serves the whole person. The conversation expands to touch on societal issues such as the role of technology in mental health and the responsibilities of the Church in these areas. Bishop Conley's story serves as a testament to the enduring hope and healing available through faith, community, and professional support. Tune in for an inspiring and enlightening discussion that celebrates the pursuit of wholeness and holiness.

Bishop James Conley has been the bishop of the Diocese of Lincoln, Nebraska since 2012, where his episcopal motto is "cor ad cor loquitur" ("heart speaks to heart"). Bishop Conley was ordained a priest in 1985 and has served at the Vatican and as auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Denver prior to his current assignment. In 2024, he shared A Future With Hope, his pastoral letter on mental health.

Show Notes

Bishop Conley’s pastoral letter on mental health:

(Including audio version of the pastoral letter and a printable pdf version)

  • The value of Bishop Conley telling his people the truth about his struggles and his path of recovery

The Incredulity of Saint Thomas, 1603 by Caravaggio

An interview with Bishop Conley about his pastoral letter

Two books on technology & mental health recommended by Bishop Conley

Challenge By Choice

Go outside!

  • Our mental health is inexorably tied up with living in reality and in the present

  • Connection with creation is a powerful way to find healing and wholeness and to connect with God

  • How can you make time to play, work, or exercise ourdoors?

Reflection Questions

For personal reflection or group discussion

  1. What is one specific thing that stuck with you from this conversation?

  2. What situations and forces are threats to your mental health? How do you respond to them?

  3. What do you take from Bishop Conley's openness about his struggles with mental health? How might you be more open & vulnerable with your loved ones?

  4. How do you see the Church and individual Christians responding to mental health crises? Where do you see hope?

  5. What is one daily practice (eating, sleep, technology, etc.) that might help you be more mentally healthy?