Checking the Facts
Being human is having our heart broken hundreds and thousands of times. When this happens, we start to believe lies. This is the effect of trauma on our human heart. No matter how big or little the lie, it can warp our perception of ourselves and world around us.
To counteract this, I give the following blessing to my daughters every night:
“Your father says to you…
You are loved
You’re enough
You’re worthy
You belong
You’re capable
You’re desired
You’re delighted in
You’re my beloved child”
These blessings are true about every human being. Sometimes these truths can be hard to unconditionally believe (I know it can be hard for me to believe them about myself sometimes). Time in prayer, a trusted confidant, or a therapist can be helpful to unravel lies regarding our inherent dignity.
God desires our healing and for us to know the truth that we are His and we are unconditionally loved.